Daesh Cell Arrested in Spain-Morocco Operation

A joint security operation between Morocco and Spain has led to dismantling a cell affiliated with the Daesh militant group, the Moroccan news agency reported on January 11th, following international newswire reports.
The cell consisted of three members operating in both countries.
The central office for judicial investigations in Morocco said in a statement that interventions by national security forces led to the arrest of one extremist member of the cell.
Simultaneously, the Spanish authorities also arrested two other members who were active within the same terrorist cell in Almeria.
The judicial office said investigations showed that those arrested had pledged allegiance to the Daesh group and were active in spreading and promoting extremist ideology for the purpose of recruitment.
A man was arrested in Chtouka Aït Baha in Morocco while Spanish authorities arrested two other members of the alleged cell in Almeria in Spain.
Research conducted as part of this operation reveals that the three suspects were working to spread the extremist ideas of Daesh to recruit potential supporters. They were also willing to take part in terrorist acts after the failure of their attempt to join the ranks of Daesh in the Sahel, where they were in contact with fighters of the organisation.
In Chtouka Aït Baha, the searches carried out led to the seizure of a number of equipment, in particular digital equipment, which were submitted for technical expertise besides a bladed weapon, a mask and writings praising Daesh.
The person arrested in Morocco was taken into police custody as part of an investigation carried out under the supervision of the prosecutor’s office in charge of terrorism cases, while the competent Iberian authorities are carrying out their investigations with the two other elements of the cell apprehended in Spain.
AFP/MAP/Middle East On line
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