Morocco India relations strengthen

Morocco India

Two crossed national flags on white background


Morocco and India’s bilateral relations continue to strengthen as the two countries discussed ways to increase relations further. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita had a phone conversation on August 20 with his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the country’s Minister of External Affairs, according to Middle East Online, August 21. 

Morocco’s monarch, King Mohammed VI made a historic visit to India in late 2015 where he discussed the opportunities to raise relations amongst the two countries to a higher level. 

The two ministers discussed in detail, international and regional issues as well as turning their attention to BRICS as a meeting between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) will take place on August 22 to 24 in Johannesburg.

READ: Morocco shows no interest in joining new BRICS

Morocco has shown little interest in joining the bloc despite having positive relations with four out of the five nations. 

The north African country has strained ties with South Africa claiming that they have been hostile to Morocco by taking “anti-Moroccan” positions. 

North African countries Tunisia and Algeria are keen on joining BRICS in a move that could see the pair becoming more financially stable.



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