Mali: UN mission pulls out of troubled region


The Sahel region is slowly falling into the hands of terror groups, following coups in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, while the UN loses its mandate to fight them.

The UN peacekeeping mission began its departure from the northern region of Mali, starting with the Tessalit and Aguelhok camps in Mali on October 16, according to African news.

the UN stabilization mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, declared that they had begun to withdraw from two camps in the volatile Kidal region.

The Malian army made two aircraft landings at one of the Tessalit camps in anticipation of the UN’s disengagement.

According to the same outlet, during the landing, insurgents opened fire on the aircraft.

It said on social media that after enemy positions were “neutralized” by the air force, one plane took fire but was able to land and take off without too much trouble.

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“The rapid deterioration in security conditions for the lives of hundreds of” UN forces, according to their statement, was illustrated by the shooting.

Since August, four camps have been turned over to Malian authorities by the MINUSMA.
But the most delicate move might be the evacuation of the fighters for the separatists from the Kidal region and the city named after them.

Fighting is taking place in northern Mali between the Al-Qaeda-affiliated group GSIM, the Malian authorities, and the CMA, an alliance of independence-seeking militias.

After ten years, the UN is expected to depart from northern Mali by December 31.

However, the rivalry between armed actors in the area has intensified as a result of camp withdrawals.

African News


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