Polisario Front claims responsibility for Western Sahara blast


Projectiles were fired around the time of October 29 in the small Saharan town of Es-Smara, reports Russia Today (RT). 

Four separate blasts took place in the territory over a few days as the Algeria-backed Saharawi nationalist Polisario Front claimed responsibility for the attack. 

The firings killed one and injured three and local Moroccan authorities noted that two of those wounded were in a critical condition as the projectiles were set off in residential areas. 

A projectile is an object propelled by the application of external force and then moves freely through the influence of air resistance and gravity. 

The object in question is often fired via artillery. 

READ: Western Sahara altercation erupts at Africa unity event

The fate of the disputed territory of the Western Sahara is supposed to be decided via a referendum. A vote on the issue was set to be held back in 1992 but this was pushed back due to concerns over voter eligibility and has since been repeatedly postponed. 

Judicial authorities in the region were quick to react to the attacks and stated that “The competent judicial police have been tasked with carrying out (an investigation into) the firing of projectiles at residential areas,”. 

Around 80% of the territory is under Moroccan rule and foreign powers such as Israel and the US have recognised the kingdom’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara. 

Washington recognised Morocco’s sovereignty over the territory back in 2020 when maverick Donald Trump was President.



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