Niger’s military regime scraps smuggling law


Niger’s military regime signed a decree on November 25 that revokes a law stopping sub-Saharan migrants smuggling into Europe, reports AP. 

Niger is a key route for sub-Saharan Africans attempting to reach Europe, first making the dangerous journey through to Maghreb countries before attempting to get into the continent. 

The West African country, ruled by a junta since July following a coup that deposed President Mohamed Bazoum, had introduced a law back in 2015 which aimed at stopping migrants travelling from Niger. 

Under the law, those caught smuggling people across to North African countries faced up to 30 years imprisonment. 

With regards to the decree, junta leader, General Abdourahmane Tchiani said,“The convictions pronounced pursuant to said law and their effects shall be cancelled,” . 

READ: Libya sends over 200 migrants packing

It is believed that the revoke will strongly affect, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia who have seen high numbers of clandestine migrants from the sub-Sahara arrive to their countries. 

The increasingly authoritarian Tunisian President, Kais Saied has been tough on immigrants from the region and has in the past been accused of inciting violence against them. 

In February of this hear he claimed that immigration was a plot aimed at changing Tunisia’s demography and ordered security forces to take harsh action against the “hordes” of undocumented migrants.  

Since his anti-immigrant tirade, black Africans have been subjected to brutal attacks by the authorities at the Tunisian border. 

On November 29, Libya’s authorities said that they sent 120 Nigeriens packing back to their country of origin as well as 128 from Chad. 



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