The Algerian women’s experience presents solidarity minister

Algerian Minister of National Solidarity, the Family and Women’s Status, Soraya Mouloudji
A female Algerian Minister has praised her countries promotion of women’s equality in what could be a turning point in getting women into the workplace, according to AL24 News.
Algerian Minister of National Solidarity, the Family and Women’s Status, Soraya Mouloudji, presented “the Algerian experience in promoting women and their economic and social empowerment.”
Presenting on 12th March in New York, during her participation in the works of the 69th plenary session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the minister said that Algeria has made “significant progress in implementing the 12 areas defined in the Beijing Declaration… through the implementation of programs aimed at promoting women in various fields.”
The minister further noted that “the 2020 constitutional amendment enshrined the principle of gender equality in rights and duties, and did not overlook the promotion of women’s political participation and their access to positions of responsibility.”
On the economic front, she stated that “Algeria has adopted an employment policy rooted in equal opportunities for job access and equal pay,” adding that the government “is committed to supporting women in entrepreneurship and has initiated several programs aimed at the economic integration of women, including housewives and rural women.”
The minister commented that women in Algeria “hold positions of responsibility, lead political parties, and are present in the highest positions of various security and military institutions”.
Algeria gives “special attention to women as actors of peace, through the implementation of the +Women, Security, and Peace+ agenda, the African Union’s Agenda 2063 for development, and the adoption of a national plan to implement United Nations Resolution 1325”.
Latifa Ferial Naili from AL24 News
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