Rights group pleads that sexy Libyan singers are released

Rights group pleads that sexy Libyan singers are released

A global rights group has urged authorities in eastern Libya on April 3rd to release a singer and a blogger arrested for allegedly violating a widely criticized cybercrime law, reports AP.

According to a statement from Human Rights Watch, both women — popular folk singer Ahlam al-Yamani and blogger Haneen al-Abdali — were arrested in February for allegedly violating “honor and public morals” although it is unclear precisely what they have done, with only speculation that they have been dancing in a way which some Libyans might consider inappropriate.

The Interior Ministry in the eastern city of Benghazi accused them of insulting “the status of the chaste and dignified Libyan woman in our conservative society with acts and behaviors that are foreign to us and offend our customs, traditions and true religion.”

They have since been held in connection with cases “against honor and public morals” and for violating the anti-cybercrime law, which the east-based House of Representatives adopted in September, the ministry said.

A spokesman for the the east-based government did not respond to a request for comment.

U.N.-backed investigators and other global rights groups have criticized the law, which allows prison terms up to 15 years for violators.

“The Anti-Cybercrime Law adds to the slew of existing laws in Libya that violate basic rights and freedoms and that need to be reformed, including on freedom of speech, assembly, association and so-called crimes against the state,” said Hanan Salah, HRW’s associate Middle East and North Africa director.

The group criticized what it said are vague and overly broad definitions of crimes in the law. The law stipulates that use of the internet and new technologies is lawful only if “public order and morality” are respected, without clear definitions of offenses.

The rights group said the law allows the blocking of websites and censoring of online content without a judicial order in cases of “security requirement or urgency” or when the content in question is counter to “public morality.”

It called for the east-based parliament to repeal the legislation and authorities in eastern Libya to free anyone detained in connection to that law.



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