Niger: International sanctions lead to budget cuts


Niger’s new regime announced that the budget would have to be revised as international sanctions on the country has weakened the economy following July 26’s actions, reports Africa News, October 7. 

In late July, a military coup deposed incumbent President, Mohamed Bazoum, who is still on house arrest, as the junta took power. 

The move caused outrage in the international community, notably from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and French President, Emmanuel Macron who both hinted at a military intervention in the West African country to reinstate Mr. Bazoum. 

The French President claimed to have spoken to the ousted Nigerien President every day since July 26, noting that he does not legitimately recognise the country’s new rulers. 

Regarding the new budget, Niger’s junta said in a press release, “Niger has faced heavy sanctions imposed by international and regional organizations. These sanctions expose the country to a significant drop in both external and internal revenues,”. 

The country faced severe economic sanctions on July 30 imposed by the ECOWAS bloc which has left the coup-hit nation in further turmoil. 

Niger’s regime also noted in the press release that budget plans would be tweaked. The new budget was announced as 1,981 billion CFA Francs (3 billion Euros) whereas the original budget amounted to 3,291 billion CFA Francs (5 billion Euros). 

Prime Minister, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zaine announced that as a result of the smaller budget, he would set out a program aimed at prioritising the payment of civil servants’ wages as well as security spending. 

International health NGO, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have raised concerns at the heavy sanctions imposed as it led to a shortage of various medicines and a negative impact on the country’s citizens more generally. 

The humanitarian organisation called for ensuring that the sanctions would not affect ordinary Nigerians. 


Read Also: Niger: New PM confident of reaching an agreement with ECOWAS


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