EU claims Israel could become a pariah state over Gaza bloodshed


The EU has warned that Israel could become a pariah state as a result of its continuing mistreatment of Palestinians, notably in Gaza, reports Middle East Monitor. 

The Middle Eastern country has already faced multiple boycotts from pro-Palestinian groups and individuals worldwide such as BDS way before the actions of Hamas on October 7, which has caused an escalation of tensions between Gaza and Israel since. 

These groups are particularly in support of a boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israeli goods and services similar to what was imposed on South Africa when it was an apartheid regime until the early 1990s. 

The European Council President Charles Michel warned Israel on November 9 that they could face isolation from the international community should they continue to breach international law. 

READ: John Wight: Is Israel capable of a holocaust on the Palestinians?

Despite Israel’s complete disregard for international law, many western countries remain allies notably the US who are the globe’s most generous backers to the country militarily and financially. 

The EU Council President, who said that the bloc must organise an international conference on the Israel-Palestine issue within the coming weeks, was quoted saying, “We all advise Israel to consider the provisions of international law while defending itself… Israel does not care about isolation from the international community at a certain stage. Therefore, it is important for Israel to handle these rules with caution,”. 

EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen was under scrutiny last month by some MEPs for saying that the European Union stands with Israel. 

Irish Representative Clare Daly, who often uses her platform in parliament to stand in solidarity with Palestine, called her out saying her remarks were shameful and disputed. 

Since Hamas’ assault on Israel’s south, over 11,000 Gazans have been slaughtered. 

Middle East Monitor 


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