
In what was hailed as a big step forward with regards to Algeria’s press freedom, the country’s National Council passed a law that would offer protection to journalists, reports the Associated Press (AP). 

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has been tough on dissidents as well as undermining the independence of the judiciary since his rise to power back in December 2019. 

The legislation, passed on November 28, ensures that journalists don’t face arrest or other legal sanctions just for doing their jobs. 

The author of the law, Algerian Minister of Communications Mohamed Laagab, boasted that it was, “the best law in the history of independent Algeria regarding the journalism industry.” 

Many have praised the move however are still left concerned at Tebboune’s disregard for democratic norms, accusing him of posturing ahead of the Presidential elections, which take place every 5 years, next year. 

READ: Rights group call for the release of Algerian journalists

Journalist turned political activist Ahmed Khezzana said, “I don’t think it’s a conviction on the part of those in power, who don’t fundamentally believe in press freedom. It’s just that the prospect of the presidential election is approaching, so they need to look after their image,” . 

Journalists Saad Bouakba, Zoubir Fadel, Salim Salhi, and Adel Lazizi were sentenced to a year in prison at the Algiers-based Dar el-Beida court in October. 

They were jailed for, “publishing material detriment to national interest” as well as “inciting hatred and discrimination”. 

Also, many onlookers will point to the case of Canadian-born Algerian researcher Raouf Farrah as a move emphasising Algeria’s woeful record on press freedom. 

Following the arrest of Farrah, rights group Amnesty International warned, “In Algeria today, no one speaking out bravely and critically is safe from the authorities’ repressive clutches.” . 

The new law will come into effect when it is published in Algeria’s official bulletin. 

Amnesty International/ AP


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