Mediterranean Tragedy: 1,000+ Migrant Deaths in 2023


Halfway through 2023, the number of migrant deaths in the Mediterranean has already reached 1,000, a one third increase for the same period in 2022, according to Anadolu Ajansi.

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The International Organisation of Migration (IOM) said on Twitter, “The alarming death toll is unfortunately an undercount. Most migrants’ calls for help go unheard, and their deaths uncounted.” They also reported that “migrants get on unseaworthy boats” every day in search of “safety, protection, or a better life in Europe.”

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“We call on states to fulfill their legal obligation by prioritizing swift search and rescue operations and expanding safe channels for migrants and refugees,” they continued.

The IOM urged a response from states and citizens alike, “We simply cannot become numb to such a staggering loss of human lives.”


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